Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary
I still have to pinch myself that it's mid-February and 80 plus degrees outside. Growing up and living most of my life in a climate with 4 seasons, SW Florida is a massive change and one I am more than happy to welcome! It was 12 degrees yesterday at our property in Utah. Washington was also in the teens and had a major snowfall. I am not jealous. Not even a little. Sunday we took a family outing to Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary. About an hour drive, we set the kids up with their favorite shows on iPads and handed them McDonald's hash browns, before making our way to this peaceful spot. True to form, I overdressed the babies and myself. My jacket was off after 10 minutes, and I kept handing the kids a cold drink to stay hydrated. Also, how am I cold at 72 degrees, but sweltering at 85? I confuse myself. Lincoln was in H E A V E N! I've never seen him run and run like that... and in the right direction, too! He seemed just as happy as we were to be breathing in the fresh air...